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 Biological Control: 91 Literatures Found
71 :The potential of organic and inorganic soil amendments, and a biological control agent (Trichoderma sp.) for the management of Phytophthora root rot of papaw in far northern Queensland
Author(s):      Vawdrey. L. L      Martin. T. M      Faveri. J. D
Source:Australasian Plant Pathology ;  2002  [Vol.31]  Pages:391-399    DOI:10.1071/AP02050
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72 :Prevalence, species composition, genetic variation and pathogenicity of clover rot (Sclerotinia trifoliorum) and Fusarium spp. in red clover in Finland
Author(s):      Yli-Mattila. T      Hakala. K      Kalko. G      Hannukkala. A      Paavanen-Huhtala. S
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2010  [Vol.126]  Pages:13-27    DOI:10.1007/s10658-009-9516-1
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73 :Osmotic stress adaptation, compatible solutes accumulation and biocontrol efficacy of two potential biocontrol agents on Fusarium head blight in wheat
Author(s):      Palazzini. J. M      Chulze. S. N      Ramirez. M. L      Alberione. E. J      Torres. A. M
Source:Biological Control ;  2009  [Vol.51]  Pages:370-376    DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2009.07.008
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74 :Biological control of the potato dry rot caused by Fusarium species using PGPR strains
Author(s):      Recep. K      Fikrettin. S      Erkol. D      Cafer. E
Source:Biological Control ;  2009  [Vol.50]  Pages:194-198    DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2009.04.004
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75 :Carnation Fusarium wilt suppression in four composts
Author(s):      Borrero. C      Trillas. I      Avilés. M
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2009  [Vol.123]  Pages:425-433    DOI:10.1007/s10658-008-9380-4
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76 :Characterization of two ABC transporters from biocontrol and phytopathogenic Fusarium oxysporum
Author(s):      Fravel. D. R      Moravec. B. C      Jones. R. W      Costanzo. S
Source:Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2008  [Vol.73]  Pages:2-8    DOI:10.1016/j.pmpp.2008.09.004
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77 :Economic viability of large-scale production of the biological control agent Trichoderma harzianum Rifai
Author(s):      Madan. M. S      Bhai. R. S      Meera. I. S      Ramana. K. V      Manoj. K. A      Anandaraj. M
Source:Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops ;  2006  [Vol.15]  Pages:48-51
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78 :Effect of organic amendments on the proliferation stability of Trichoderma harzianum and suppression of Phytophthora meadii in cardamom soils in relation to soil microlora
Author(s):      Bhai. R. S      Sarma. Y. R
Source:Journal of Biological Control ;  2009  [Vol.23]  Pages:163-167
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79 :Purification of an isoform of patatin with antimicrobial activity against Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Sharma. N      Vivanco. J. M      Gruszewski. H. A      Park. S. –W      Holm. D. G
Source:Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ;  2004  [Vol.42]  Pages:647-655    DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2004.05.010
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80 :Rizospheric Pseudomonas fluorescens as rejuvenating and root proliferating agents in black pepper
Author(s):      Paul. D      Jisha. P. J      Sarma. Y. R      Anandaraj. M
Source:Journal of Biological Control ;  2005  [Vol.19]  Pages:173-178
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