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Genetic diversity among late blight resistant and susceptible potato genotypes
El-Sherif. E. M      Aboshosha. S. M      Abou-Taleb. E. M      El-Komy. M. H      
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences ;  2010  [Vol.17]  Pages:133-138
RAPD polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to study the genetic diversity among a wild potato variety Solanum demissum (very resistant to late blight) and six potato cultivars (Hanna, Lady-Olympia, Lady-Rosetta, Spunta, Diamant and Cara) varied in their resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Cluster analysis of six potato genotypes showed that, all tested genotypes were separated into two clusters (1 and 2). Cluster 1, included only the wild potato variety (S. demissum), whereas cluster 2 divided into two groups (G1 and G2). Late blight high resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara were grouped in G1. Group 2 included the moderate resistant cultivar Spunta and the susceptible cultivars Diamant, Lady-Rosetta and Lady-Olympia. The potato cultivars that showed highest genetic similarity to the wild potato variety were the resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara. Lowest genetic similarity was obtained with the susceptible cultivars Lady-Rosetta, Diamant and Lady-Olympia. RAPD primer K17 yielded a band with molecular weight of 936 bp found in all susceptible potato cultivars (Lady-Rosetta, Lady-Olympia and Diamant). On the other hand, band with molecular weight of 765 bp were detected in the wild potato and the resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara. Results of this study suggested that, the RAPD marker technique could be beneficial for revealing the genetic variability of different genotypes of potato varied in their resistibility to late blight.
genetic diversity
resistant marker
rapd pcr
late blight