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Interaction between Likubin bacterium and Phytophthora parasitica in citrus hosts
Ann. P. –J      Ko. W. –H      Su. H. –J      
European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2004  [Vol.110]  Pages:1-6
Infection with Likubin bacterium (LB) followed by Phytophthora parasitica increased the mortality of sour orange and pummelo seedlings, and enhanced the P. parasitica-induced root rot in all the four types of citrus tested. The LB-induced enhancement of root infection by P. parasitica was apparent within 1thinsph of exposure to zoospore suspension. The enhancement of P. parasitica-induced root rot was affected by the infection sequence. Inoculation of sour orange seedlings with LB before P. parasitica was more effective in increasing P. parasitica-induced root rot than LB and P. parasitica concomitantly or LB after P. parasitica. Grafting P. parasitica susceptible scions of ponkan (Citrus reticulata) onto P. parasitica-tolerant rootstocks of sour orange greatly increased the susceptibility of rootstocks to P. parasitica. Results also demonstrate the enhancement of LB-induced symptoms by P. parasitica in citrus plants.
phytophthora parasitica
root rot
disease enhancement
fastidious bacterium