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Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum as assessed by PCR-RFLP of the hrp gene region, AFLP and 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and identification of an African subdivision
Poussier. S      Luisetti. J      Trigalet. A      Trigalet-Demery. D      Vandewalle. P      Goffinet. B      
Microbiology ;  2000  [Vol.146]  Pages:1679-1692
The genetic diversity among strains in a worldwide collection of Ralstonia solanacearum, causal agent of bacterial wilt, was assessed by using three different molecular methods. PCR-RFLP analysis of the hrp gene region was extended from previous studies to include additional strains and showed that five amplicons were produced not only with all R. solanacearum strains but also with strains of the closely related bacteria Pseudomonas syzygii and the blood disease bacterium (BDB). However, the three bacterial taxa could be discriminated by specific restriction profiles. The PCR-RFLP clustering, which agreed with the biovar classification and the geographical origin of strains, was confirmed by AFLP. Moreover, AFLP permitted very fine discrimination between different isolates and was able to differentiate strains that were not distinguishable by PCR-RFLP. AFLP and PCR-RFLP analyses confirmed the results of previous investigations which split the species into two divisions, but revealed a further subdivision. This observation was further supported by 16S rRNA sequence data, which grouped biovar 1 strains originating from the southern part of Africa.
bacterial wilt
16s rrna