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Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum strains from China
Xu. J      Zhang. Z      Zhang. H      Pan. Z. C       Prior. P      Xu. J. S      Zhang. L. Q      He. L. Y      
European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2009  [Vol.125]  Pages:641-653
A survey of bacterial wilt in China collected 286 strains of Ralstonia solanacearum from 17 plant species in 13 Chinese provinces to investigate genetic diversity using the biovar (bv.) and phylotype classification schemes. A phylotype-specific multiplex-PCR showed that 198 isolates belonged to phylotype I (bv. 3, 4 and 5) and 68 to phylotype II (bv. 2 and bv. 1). A phylogenetic analysis examined the partial sequence of the egl and hrpB gene of all strains and the genetic diversity of 95 representatives was reported, demonstrating that Chinese strains are partitioned into phylotype I (Asia) and II (Americas). Phylotype I strains (historically typed bv. 3, 4 and 5), had considerable phylogenetic diversity, including 10 different sequevars: seven previously described sequevars 12 to 18 and three new sequevars: 34, 44 and 48. Chinese strains Z1, Z2, Z3, Z7, Pe74 and Tm82 were not genetically distinguishable from the edible ginger reference strain ACH92 (r4-bv. 4) for sequevar 16. This is believed to be the first report of this ginger group in China. All Chinese bv. 2 strains falling into the genetically and phenotypically diverse phylotype II were placed into phylotype IIB sequevar 1 (historically the Andean race3-bv. 2 potato brown rot agent). In both the egl and hrpB sequence-based trees, strains isolated from mulberry were present in two distinct branches found in sequevars 12 and 48 (reference strains R292 and M2, respectively).
genetic diversity
ralstonia solanacearum