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Development of SCAR marker for Phytophthora resistance in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
Anandaraj. M      Sheji Chandran      Renu Susan George      Bhat. A. I      Susheela Bhai. R      
Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops ;  2008  [Vol.17]  Pages:215-222
Foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici is one of the major production constraints in black pepper (Piper nigrum) in India. RAPD profile of moderately resistant and susceptible lines indicated the presence a unique band of 360 base pair in moderately resistant lines with the primer OPA-01. The DNA fragment associated with these lines was cloned, sequenced and converted into a SCAR marker. The SCAR primer was tested on plants that were classified as moderately resistant and susceptible. SCAR primers amplified DNA invariably from resistant plants only. The sequence of the unique band matched with stress related gene sequences reported in several eukaryotes including Arabidopsis thaliana.
black pepper
piper nigrum
scar marker