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Usefulness of single copy genes containing introns in Phytophthora for the development of detection tools for the regulated species P. ramorum and P. fragariae
Ioos. R      Husson. C      Frey. P      Laugustin. L      Schenck. N      Rose. S      
European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.116]  Pages:171-176
Introns are generally highly polymorphic regions within genes and were proven to be of great interest for discriminating among phylogenetically-close Phytophthora species. Phytophthora ramorum and P. fragariae are considered as quarantine pathogens by the European Union and accurate detection tools are therefore necessary for their monitoring. From introns located in different single copy genes (GPA1, RAS-like, and TRP1), we developed a series of PCR primers specific to P. ramorum and P. fragariae. The specificity of these primers was successfully checked with a wide collection of Phytophthora isolates and a protocol was developed to detect both pathogens directly in infected plant tissues. These genes should be of particular interest for the development of additional species-specific detection tools within the Phytophthora genus.
confirmation test
degenerate primers