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In vitro Evaluation of Microbial Antagonists, Botanicals and Fungicides Against Phytophthora capsici Leon. the Causal Agent of Foot Rot of Black Pepper
Shashidhara. S      Lokesh. M. S      Lingaraju. S      Palakshappa. M. G      
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences ;  2008  [Vol.21]  Pages:527-531
Among the antagonists, Trichoderma isolates were most effective in inhibiting the growth of P. capsici. Least inhibition was noticed with Pseudomonas isolate followed by Bacillus sp. Among the ten plant extracts tested, garlic cloves extract was highly inhibitory to P. capsici and was followed by leaf extracts of duranta, eupatorium, neem and lantana. The least effective was tikki weed followed by adusoge. Out of ten fungicides tested in vitro Akomin, Melody duo, Ridomil and Secure at all three concentrations (0.1%, 0.2 % and 0.3 %), Aliette and Bordeaux mixture 0.3 per cent concentration were also highly inhibitory to the pathogen P. capsici. The least effective was Verita followed by Copper oxychloride.
microbial antagonists
foot rot
black pepper