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Biological characteristics of strain F603 of Epicoccom sp., an antagonistic fungus for controlling Phytophthora infestans
Xiaoyun. L      Tongle. H      Keqiang. C      
Frontiers of Agriculture in China ;  2007  [Vol.1]  Pages:175-178
Factors influencing vegetative growth and spore germination of strain F603 of Epicoccom sp., an antagonistic fungus for Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary, were studied. Among the different growth media tested, Rye agar was the best medium for its vegetative growth. The range of temperature and pH value for mycelial growth was 5–35°C and 2–12, respectively, with the optimum 25°C and 6–9, respectively. The fungus grew better in Czapek medium with maltose and dextrose as carbon sources and peptone, KNO3, and NaNO3 as nitrogen sources. The range of temperature for spore germination of strain F603 was 5–35°C, the optimum was 20°C. The range of temperature for sporulation was 10–30°C, and the optimum was 15–18°C.
epicoccom sp.
phytophthora infestans
biological characteristics