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Constitutive over-expression of two wheat pathogenesis- related genes enhances resistance of tobacco plants to Phytophthora nicotianae
Fiocchetti. F      Caruso. C      Caporale. C      D’Amore. R      Palma. M. D      Bertini. L      Testa. A      Cristinzio. G      
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture ;  2008  [Vol.92]  Pages:73-84
The potential role in plant defence of the two wheat pathogenesis-related proteins of class 4 Wheatwin1 and Wheatwin2, possessing high in vitro antimicrobial activity against several pathogens, was investigated through over-expression of their encoding genes wPR4a and wPR4b in transgenic tobacco plants. Several independent transformants were obtained, expressing high levels of either transgene when analysed by northern and western blotting. Accumulation of the wPR4b-encoded protein Wheatwin2 in the apoplast of transgenic plants was also demonstrated. When homozygous transgenic lines in the T4 generation were tested for increased tolerance to Phytophthora nicotianae, they were found to be significantly more resistant than both the wild type and their isogenic, non-wPR4 transgenic lines. These results suggest that both Wheat wins might have in vivo antimicrobial activity, confirming earlier indications from in vitro assays.
antimicrobial activity
antimicrobial proteins
plant defence
pr4 genes
disease resistance