Adzuki bean leaf infection by Phytophthora vignae f. sp. adzukicola and resistance evaluation using detached leaves inoculated with zoospores
Harada. G Kondo. N
Journal of General Plant Pathology ; 2009 [Vol.75] Pages:52-55
We examined the response of adzuki bean leaves to infection by Phytophthora vignae f. sp. adzukicola and determined whether inoculated leaves can be used to evaluate cultivar resistance. Detached adzuki bean leaves were inoculated with zoospores, and the resulting symptoms were diagnosed. Resistant reactions were characterized by dark brown, speckled lesions or a lack of
symptoms, while susceptible reactions were characterized by water-soaked spreading lesions. In an inoculation experiment using a combination of three differential cultivars and three races, the response of 10-day-old primary
leaves accurately differentiate between race-specific resistance and susceptibility of adzuki cultivars.