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Management of phytophthora root rot in radiata pine seedlings
Reglinski. T      Gardner. J      Spiers. T. M      Dick. M. A      Taylor. J. T      
Plant Pathology ;  2009  [Vol.58]  Pages:723-730
Chemical and biological agents were evaluated for their ability to suppress root rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum, in field-grown radiata pine seedlings in New Zealand. Trials were conducted over two seasons in an area of a forest nursery with a natural infestation of P. cactorum, and a history of root rot. In each season, symptoms of root rot developed during April, one month after root pruning, when seedlings were approximately six months old. In trial one, root rot incidence by mid July 2007 was 9·1% in untreated plots and 8·4% in plots that had been treated with metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (14 kg ha−1) at seedling emergence. Disease incidence was lowest (2·1%) in plots that received seven monthly applications of phosphorous acid (6·5 L ha−1). Other treatments, including seed coating with thiram or Trichoderma spp., and foliar applications of methyl jasmonate, did not control disease. In trial two, effects of treatment timing relative to root pruning were investigated. By late June 2008, three months after root pruning, root rot incidence was 22·2% in the untreated plots. Phosphorous acid was the most effective treatment and almost completely suppressed disease (0·1% incidence) when applied fortnightly from February until May (seven applications). Metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (15 kg ha−1) was not effective (21·4% incidence) when applied five months before root pruning. However, disease incidence was reduced when the chemical was applied one week after root pruning (14·9% incidence) and greater control was achieved (8·2% incidence) when the application rate was increased to 50 kg ha−1.
phosphorous acid
phytophthora cactorum
pinus radiata