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Susceptibility of new Potato Varieties to the Potato Late Blight Oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary in Lithuania
Asakavičiūtė. R      Ražukas. A      Jundulas. J      
Agrociencia ;  2009  [Vol.16]  Pages:625-633
Potato late blight can completely eliminate this crop in developing countries. Therefore, the objetive of this research was to determine the susceptibility of several Lithuanian potato cultivars to late blight. The experimental design was a randomized split-plot, data were subjected to the ANOVA and the Tukey test was used to verify the significance of differences (p=0.05). Late blight infection in potato groups of various growing cycles lenght was different. The intensity of potato blight spread in various earliness potato cultivars depends not only on their earliness, but also on their biological-mathematical models of late blight prognosis.
late blight
ecologic farms