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Utilization of SSR and cDNA markers for screening known QTLs for late blight (Phytophthora infestans) resistance in potato
Ritter. E      Barandalla. L      Lopez. R      Galarreta. J. I. R. D      Hernandez. M      Plata. G      Sanchez. I      Gabriel. J      
Euphytica ;  2009  [Vol.170]  Pages:77-86
All published QTLs and genes for Phytophthora resistance were projected onto the bins of a high-density reference map of potato. Further, a transcriptome map containing around 700 cDNA-AFLP (TDF) markers was anchored to this map. We have analysed cDNA markers which are co-located with these resistance QTLs by cloning, sequencing and by performing homology searches in public sequence databases. Several interesting homologies were detected with typical resistance and stress response genes. On the other hand, we have screened all known QTL locations on the 12 potato chromosomes via linked SSR markers for the presence of a selectable QTL for Phytophthora resistance in four genetic backgrounds. Progenies descended from different Solanum wild species as resistance sources. Leaf and tuber resistances were analysed. In all case studies, several selectable QTLs were detected which descended from either parent. Tuber and leaf QTLs varied from progeny to progeny and between leaves and tubers. In none of the progenies were resistance levels of leaf and tuber blight correlated.
transcriptome mapping
late blight