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Conventional PCR and real time quantitative PCR detection of Phytophthora cryptogea on Gerbera jamesonii
Minerdi. D      Garibaldi. A      Gullino. M. L      Moretti. M      Li. Y      Gaggero. L      
European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2008  [Vol.122]  Pages:227-237
A conventional PCR and a SYBR Green real-time PCR assays for the detection and quantification of Phytophthora cryptogea, an economically important pathogen, have been developed and tested. A conventional primer set (Cryp1 and Cryp2) was designed from the Ypt1 gene of P. cryptogea. A 369 bp product was amplified on DNA from 17 isolates of P. cryptogea. No product was amplified on DNA from 34 other Phytophthora spp., water moulds, true fungi and bacteria. In addition, Cryp1/Cryp2 primers were successfully adapted to real-time PCR. The conventional PCR and real-time PCR assays were compared. The PCR was able to detect the pathogen on naturally infected gerbera plants and on symptomatic artificially infected plants collected 21 days after pathogen inoculation. The detection limit was 5×103 P. cryptogea zoospores and 16 fg of DNA. Real-time PCR showed a detection limit 100 times lower (50 zoospores, 160 ag of DNA) and the possibility of detecting the pathogen in symptomless artificially infected plants and in the re-circulating nutrient solution of closed soilless cultivation systems.
closed soilless cultivation systems
ypt1 gene specific primers
phytophthora cryptogea molecular diagnosis