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Fungitoxicity of Plant extracts against Phytophthora parasitica var. piperina
Yadav. R. K      Yadav. H. L      
Annals of Plant Protection Sciences ;  2009  [Vol.17]  Pages:520-521
Leaf rot of betel vine caused by Phytophothora parasitica var. piperina result in severe loss to the grower. A number of synthetic organic and inorganic compounds have been introduced in the field of disease management (Maheshwari et al.,2007). The leaf of betel vine is used directly for chewing without any treatment. Hence, plant extracts were tested and results are reported herein. Phytophthora parasitica var. piperina was isolated from infected leaves of betel vine and grown on oat meal agar medium, maintained in PDA slant as stock culture. The fresh leaves of different plant were thoroughly washed, extracted and tested as per the procedure described by Sahani and Saxena(2009).
phytophthora parasitica var. piperina