Identification of a resistance gene Rpi-dlc1 to Phytophthora infestans in European accessions of Solanum dulcamara
Golas. T. M Berg. R. G. V. D Weerden. G. M. V. D Sikkema. A Gros. J Feron. R. M. C Mariani. C Allefs. J. J. H. M
Theory of Applied Genetics ; 2010 [Vol.120] Pages:797-808
Initial screening of 14 Solanum dulcamara accessions enabled the identification of individuals resistant and susceptible to Phytophthora infestans. Crosses between contrasting genotypes resulted in three F2–BC1 populations segregating for resistance to late blight in a laboratory assay and under field conditions. Genetic profiling of one of these populations using 128 AFLP primers generated three markers linked to the resistant phenotype. Blast analysis of the sequenced markers resulted in a plausible gene position on the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 9 that could be confirmed by CAPS markers. Thus, we describe a first resistant gene, named Rpi-dlc1, from S. dulcamara, a Solanum species native to Europe. In addition, one population was tested for broadness of resistance responses using a set of seven additional P. infestans isolates, varying in virulence. This indicated the possible presence of additional Rpi genes.