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Host resistance to Trypanosoma cruzi infection is enhanced in mice fed Fusarium verticillioides (=F. moniliforme) culture material containing fumonisins
Osborne. C. D      Noblet. G. P      Enongene. E. N      Bacon. C. W      Riley. R. T      Voss. K. A      
Food and Chemical Toxicology ;  2002  [Vol.40]  Pages:1789-1798
Fumonisins, metabolites of Fusarium verticillioides (=F. moniliforme) and related fungi that occur naturally on corn, elicit various organ- and species-specific toxicities. However, immunologic effects of fumonisins are not well characterized. BALB/c mice were fed diets containing F. verticillioides culture material (CM) providing 50 (LD) or 150 (HD) ppm fumonisins (FB1+FB2) beginning 1 week before and continuing 5 weeks after challenge with the myotropic Brazil strain of T. cruzi. A control group (ZD) was fed a diet lacking CM. The LD and HD diets caused increases in tissue sphinganine/sphingosine ratios and minimum to mild hepatotoxicity, both of which are typically induced by fumonisins. Nitric oxide (NO) production by peritoneal macrophages from HD mice was significantly higher than by peritoneal macrophages from ZD mice on day 14 after challenge. NO production also was stimulated in macrophages from ZD mice, but the peak response did not occur until day 26 after challenge. Compared with ZD mice, LD and HD mice exhibited reduced parasitemia and decreased numbers of pseudocysts in cardiac muscle. Thus, the CM increased host resistance to T. cruzi by accelerating NO production by macrophages or otherwise enhancing the immune response. The findings provide additional evidence that fumonisins modulate immune function.
fusarium verticillioides
host resistance
nitric oxide
trypanosoma cruzi