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Agarose Medium for Germination of Oospores of Phytophthora cactorum
Shim. J. O      Yu. M. Q      Ko. W. H      
Journal of Phytopathology ;  1995  [Vol.143]  Pages:223-225
When oospores of Phytophthora cactorum from 30-day-old culture were treated with 0.25% KMnO4 for 20 min and incubated at 24°C under light for 10 days, 65-75% germinated on water agar and water agarose but only 1-21% germinated on V-8 agar and S-l-L agar. Water agarose was selected because germinated oospores formed restricted colonies on this medium that could be isolated easily. KMnO4 treatment killed sporangia, chlamydospores and mycelial fragments present in oospore suspensions. Under the above conditions, approximately 44% of oospores from 10-day-old culture germinated and the optimum germination rate of about 75% was obtained when oospores reached about 20 days old.
phytophthora cactorum