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Analysis of pathogenicity and genetic variation among Phytophthora sojae isolates using RAPD
Meng. X. Q      Shoemaker. R.C      Yang. X. B      
Mycological Research ;  1999  [Vol.103]  Pages:173-178
Fifty-five Phytophthora sojae isolates were collected from soil samples and diseased soybean plants from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota in 1994 and 1995. Races for the isolates were determined. DNA of P. sojae isolates was amplified with 16 Operon decanucleotide primers. Twenty-three of 75 amplified fragments were polymorphic. Based on the 23 RAPD markers, a dendrogram depicting the relatedness of the isolates was constructed using UPGMA. The P. sojae isolates clustered into four distinct groups. The isolates of races 3, 4 and 25 clustered into group I. The isolates of races 1, 8 and 13 clustered into group II. The isolates of race 5 clustered into group III, and the isolates of race 7 clustered into group IV. Genetic diversity was detected among isolates of races 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 25 but not among isolates of races 8 and 13.
phytophthora sojae