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The elicitor-induced oxidative processes in leaves of Solanum species with differential polygenic resistance to Phytophthora infestans
Polkowska-Kowalczyk. L      Wielgat. B      Maciejewska. U      
Journal of Plant Physiology ;  2004  [Vol.161]  Pages:913-920
Previous studies have shown that suspension-cultured cells of Solanum genotypes with various polygenic resistances to Phytophthora infestans differed in activities of early oxidative processes in response to culture filtrate (CF) from this pathogen. These studies have now been extended by analysing production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase (LOX, E.C. activity induced by CF in detached leaves of S. tuberosum cv Bzura and clone H-8105, polygenically resistant and susceptible, respectively, as well as S. nigrum, nonhost, completely resistant. The relative increase in the ROS production was higher in the susceptible clone H-8105 than in both resistant genotypes. Lipid peroxidation increased only in the nonhost S. nigrum. An increase in lipid peroxidation in S. nigrum leaves coincided with enhanced LOX activity. In both S. tuberosum genotypes, significant increases in LOX activity were delayed and unaccompanied by changes in the level of lipid peroxidation. LOX activity attained a higher level in both of the resistant genotypes than in the susceptible one. The present results suggest that the involvement of both ROS production and LOX activity in the defense strategy in Solanum species/P.infestans interactions.
oxidative response
phytophthora infestans