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Epistasis and heritability of resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Bnejdi. F      Saadoun. M      Allagui. M. B      Gazzah. M. E      
Euphytica ;  2009  [Vol.167]  Pages:39-44
Gene effects of resistance to two isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae in two crosses of pepper were investigated using separate generation means analysis. Additive-dominancemodels were inadequate in all cases. Digenic parameter models were adequate in three cases and the probability of goodness of fit of models was negatively correlated with the aggressiveness of the pathogen. None of these models explained variation among generation means in the combined cross Beldi 9 CM334 with P. nicotianae isolate Pn2. Additive 9 additive, dominance 9 dominance and dominance 9 additive effects were significant in most cases. Additive and dominance effects (of negative sign) contribute more to resistance than to susceptibility. Additive variance was greater than environmental and dominance variance and ranged from 0.038 to 0.224. Narrow-sense heritabilities were dependent upon the cross and inoculate and ranged from 86 to 92%. The results of this study indicate that selection with more aggressive isolates of the pathogen will be useful for enhancing resistance in pepper.
additive-dominance model
best-fit model
phytophthora nicotianae