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Development of a DNA-based method for detection and identification of Phytophthora species
Drenth. A      Wagels. G      Smith. B      Sendall. B      Dwyer. C. O      Irvine. G      Irwin. J. A. G      
Australasian Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.35]  Pages:147-159
Phytophthora diseases cause major losses to agricultural and horticultural production in Australia and worldwide. Most Phytophthora diseases are soilborne and difficult to control, making disease prevention an important component of many disease management strategies. Detection and identification of the causal agent, therefore, is an essential part of effective disease management. This paper describes the development and validation of a DNA-based diagnostic assay that can detect and identify 27 different Phytophthora species.We have designed PCR primers that are specific to the genus Phytophthora. The resulting amplicon after PCR is subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes to yield a specific restriction pattern or fingerprint unique to each species. The restriction patterns are compared with a key comprising restriction patterns of type specimens or representative isolates of 27 different Phytophthora species. A number of fundamental issues, such as genetic diversity within and among species which underpin the development and validation of DNA-based diagnostic assays,are addressed in this paper.