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  Botanical Name :  Cinnamomum verum
  Family :  Lauraceae
  Common Name :  Cinnamon
  Cinnamon consists of the dried bark, separated from cork and the underlying parenchyma, of young branches. The bark contains essential oil. The approved modern therapeutic applications for cinnamon are supportable based on a combination of factors including its long history of traditional use in well established systems of traditional medicine, in vitro studies, experimental studies in animals, and phytochemical investigations. Cinnamon health benefits have been touted for many years, as it has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Indian tradition. Recent evidence shows that it may be useful in the treatment of diabetes. More recently, modern medical research has turned its eye on cinnamon and is coming up with some intriguing results. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and has anti-fungal properties as well. This database contains about 137 chemical constituents present in Cinnamon and the chemical/pharmacological information relating each compound in it.
  Constituents (Alphabetical order)