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General Info

CodePath XVIII
TitleIsolation and evaluation of antimicrobial compounds from bacterial endophytes against major pathogens of spices
Start year2008Closed
End year2012
Investigators NameMan-months
A Kumar 6
Santhosh J Eapen 6


  • To select strains harboring known antimicrobial gene(s) e.g. DAPG/PCA etc using PCR based (marker assisted) selection
  • To isolate cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) from bacterial endophytes
  • To evaluate the activities of cyclic lipopeptides on different growth stages of Phytophthora capsici, Pythium myriotylum, Ralstonia solanacearum Radopholus similis, Meloidogyne incognita in vitro
  • To evaluate the metabolites in vivo for disease suppression and growth promotion of host plants
  • To purify/identify the potential metabolites using chromatography (HPLC/TLC/GC-MS)
  • To manage fungal, bacterial and nematode diseases of spice crops using biosurfactant producing bacterial antagonists

Salient Achievements

  • Isolation of primary and secondary metabolites from endophytes
  • PCR based screening for production of antimicrobial metabolites
  • In vitro and in vivo evaluation of aqueous and organic fraction against fungal, bacterial and nematode pathogens
  • Genotypic characterization Pseudomonas aerugenosa
ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode Last Updated : 26.1.2019