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Research Papers

1P. UmadeviM., Anandaraj (2019). Proteomic analysis of the tripartite interaction between black pepper, Trichoderma harzianum and Phytophthora capsici provides insights into induced systemic resistance mediated by Trichoderma spp.. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-14.
2R Suseela Bhai, T P Prameela, K Vincy, C N Biju, V Srinivasan, K Nirmal Babu (2019). Soil solarization and amelioration with calcium chloride or Bacillus licheniformis - an effective integrated strategy for the management of bacterial wilt of ginger incited by Ralstonia pseudsolanacearum. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-15. 10.1007/s10658-019-01709-y
3T. P. Prameela and R. Suseela Bhai (2019). Diversity and antagonistic potential of apoplastic bacteria against Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum race 4 causing bacterial wilt of ginger. Journal of Biological Control, 33(1), 197-216.
4Vandana V V, R Suseela Bhai, R Ramakrishnan Nair, Shamina Azeez (2019). Role of cell wall and cell membrane integrity in imparting defense response against Phytophthora capsici in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-17.
5A I Bhat, Pamitha N S, Gopika, A, C N Biju (2018). Complete genome sequencing of banana bract mosaic virus isolate infecting cardamom revealed its closeness to banana infecting isolate from India. Virus Disease, 1-4.
6Muthuswamy, A., Kakkattil Balakrishnan, V., Palaniyandi, U. et al. (2018). Pathogenic variability in Phytophthora capsici from black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) as revealed by transcriptome analysis.. Indian Phytopathology, 1-9. 10.1007/s42360-018-0077-0
7P Umadevi, M Soumya, Johnson K George, M Anandaraj (2018). Proteomics assisted profiling of antimicrobial peptide signatures from black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 1-9.
8R S Bhai*, K P Subila, S J Eapen, A Reshma, R Pervez1, A Ishwara Bhat & V Srinivasan (2018). Effect of biocontrol agents on production of rooted black pepper cuttings by serpentine method. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 27(1), 59-65.
9Senthil Kumar C. M., Jacob Thuruthumkara Kurian, Devasahayam Selvakaran, Hariharan Vasudevan, Sharon D'Silva (2018). Mermithid parasitism of shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis) infesting ginger and turmeric and its biocontrol potential. Annals of Applied Biology, 173(1), 243-250. 10.1111/aab.12457
10Shina Sasi, A I Bhat (2018). In vitro elimination of Piper yellow mottle virus from infected black pepper through somatic embryogenesis and meristem-tip culture. Crop Protection, 103, 39-45.
11Vandana V V., R Suseela Bhai (2018). Differential expression of PR genes in response to Phytophthora capsici inoculation in resistant and susceptible black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) lines. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150(1), 713-724.
12A I Bhat, Agath Martin, Arun John, Neethu Isaac, S J Eapen (2017). Indian Plant Virus Database -A platform for showcasing research on plant viruses in India. Current Science, 113(1).
13Anusree Thampi, R Suseela Bhai (2017). Distribution, diversity and antagonistic ability of actinobacteria from black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) rhizosphere. Journal of Global Biosciences, 6(1), 5260-5288.
14Anusree Thampi, Suseela Bhai R , Shameer Mohammamd (2017). Streptomyces spp from black pepper rhizosphere: a boundless reservoir of antimicrobial and growth promoting metabolites. Journal of bioactive products from Nature.
15AnusreeThampi, R Suseela Bhai (2017). Rhizosphere actinobacteria for combating Phytophthora capsiciand Sclerotium rolfsii, the major soil borne pathogens of black pepper (Piper nigrumL.). Biological Control, 109, 1-13.
16C M Senthil Kumar, T K Jacob, S Devasahayam (2017). Evaluation of insecticides and natural product for their efficacy against shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis Guen.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) infesting ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 26(1), 91-94.
17C M Senthil Kumar, T K Jacob, S Devasahayam, Stephy Thomas, C Geethu (2017). Multifarious plant growth promotion by an entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium psalliotae. Microbiological Research, 207, 153-160.
18Deeshma K P,A I Bhat (2017). Occurrence of endogenous Piper yellow mottle virus in black pepper.. Virus Disease, 28(1), 213-217.
19P Umadevi, M Anandaraj (2017). Genotype specific host resistance for Phytophthora in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100, 237-241.
20P Umadevi, M Anandaraj (2017). Endophytic interactions of Trichoderma harzianum in a tropical perennial rhizo-ecosystem. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 12(1).
21P Umadevi, M Anandaraj, Vivek Srivastav ,Benjamin S (2017). Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 5179 impacts the population and functional dynamics fo microbial community in the rhizosphere fo black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Brazilian Journal of Microbiology.
22Prameela T P, R Suseela Bhai, M Anandaraj, A Kumar (2017). Development of real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum race 4 in rhizomes and soil. Australasian Plant Pathology, 46(1), 547-549.
23R Karthika, D Prasath, N K Leela, R Suseela Bhai, M Anandaraj (2017). Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of mango ginger rhizome extracts against bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 26(1), 101-106.
24R Senthil Kumar, D Prasath, Sharon Aravind, N K Leela, M N Venugopal, S J Ankegowda, C N Biju, M Anandaraj (2017). Evaluation of elite cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) genotypes for yield, quality and resistance to Cardamom mosaic virus. Journal of Plantation Crops, 45(1), 129-134.
25R Suseela Bhai, S J Eapen, A Kumar, R Aravind, R Pervez (2017). Mitigating Phytophthora foot rot and slow decline diseases of black pepper through the deployment of bacterial antagonists. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 26(1), 69-82.
26R. Suseela Bhai and Santhosh J Eapen (2017). Disease free planting material-The key stone for successful cultivation of black pepper. Indian Journal of Arecanut Spices and Medicinal Plants, 27(1), 12-Mar.
27Revathy K A, A I Bhat (2017). Complete genome sequencing of cucumber mosaic virus from black pepper revealed rare deletion in the methyltransferase domain of 1a gene. Virus Disease, 28(1), 309-314.
28V N Agisha, S J Eapen*, R S Bhai & A Kumar (2017). Detecting and monitoring endophytic colonization by Pseudomonas putida BP25 in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) using quantitative real-time PCR. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 26(1), 7-Jan.
29V N Agisha, S J Eapen, R Suseela Bhai, A Kumar (2017). Detecting and monitoring endophytic colonization by Pseudomonas putida BP25 in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) using quantitative real-time PCR. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 26(1), 1-7.
30V.N. Agisha, S.J. Eapen , V. Monica , N. Sheoran , V. Munjal , R. Suseelabhai , A. Kumar (2017). Plant endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 induces expression of defense genes in black pepper roots: Deciphering through suppression subtractive hybridization analysis. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100, 106-116.
31Vandana V.V and Suseela Bhai R (2017). Differential expression of PR genes in response to Phytophthora capsici inoculation in resistant and susceptible black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) lines. Eur. J Plant Pathol, 150, 713-724.
32 Suseela bhai R. * , A. Lijina, T.P. Prameela, P. B. Krishna and Anusree Thampi (2016). Biocontrol and growth promotive potential of Streptomyces spp. in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Journal of Biological Control, 30(1). DOI: 10.18311/jbc/2016/15592
33Cissin J, , Suseela Bhai R, KI BVinita , Nirmal Babu K, and Anandaraj M (2016). Cross species amplification of microsatellite loci from Phytophthora spp to assess genetic diversity among the Phytophthora isolates from black pepper. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 25(1), 104-112.
34K.B. Vinitha, M. Anandaraj* and R. Suseela Bhai (2016). Virulence of Phytophthora isolates from Piper nigrum L.and their sensitivity to metalaxyl-mancozeb. Journal of Plantation Crops, 44(1), 67-76.
35Sreeja K, Anandaraj M and Suseela Bhai R (2016). In vitro evaluation of fungal endophytes of black pepper gaisnt Phytophthoroa capsici and Radopholus similis. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 25(1), 113-122.
36Vibhuti Munjal , Agisha Valiya Nadakkakath , Neelam Sheoran , Aditi Kundu , Vibina Venugopal Kesavan Subaharan , Suseelabhai Rajamma , Santhosh J. Eapen , Aundy Kumar (2016). Genotyping and identification of broad spectrum antimicrobial volatiles in black pepper root endophytic biocontrol agent, Bacillus megaterium BP17. Biological Control, 92, 66-76.
37Anandaraj M and Suseela Bhai R (2015). Integrated management of Phytophthora diseases in spices. Indian Horticulture. Indian Horticulture, 60(1).
38Cissin J, Reena N, Suseela Bhai R, Eapen SJ, NirmalBabu K, and Anandaraj M (2015). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from expressed sequence tags for analyzing genetic diversity among Phytophthora isolates from black pepper. 4, 4(1), 34-40.
39Kumar, Aundy; Vibhuti, Munjal; Agisha, Nadakkakath; Neelam, Sheoran; Aditi, Kundu; Vibina, Venugopal; Subaharan, Kesavan; Suseela Bhai, R; Eapen, Santhosh (2015). Genetic and functional analysis of plant endophytic Bacillus megaterium BP17 isolated from Piper nigrum L. roots Journal of Applied Microbiology. Journal of Applied Microbiology.
40Neelam Sheoran, Agisha Valiya Nadakkakath, Vibhuti Munjal, Aditi Kundu,Kesavan Subaharan, Vibina Venugopal, Suseelabhai Rajamma, Santhosh J. Eapen,Aundy Kumar (2015). Genetic analysis of plant endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 and chemo-profiling of its antimicrobial volatile organic compounds. Microbiological Research, 173, 66-78.
41Sangeeth and Suseela Bhai R (2015). Integrated plant nutrient system ? with special emphasis on mineral nutrition and biofertilizers for Black pepper and cardamom- a Review. Critical reviews in Microbiology.
42Anoo Anoop, K and Suseela Bhai R (2014). Evaluation of antagonistic potential of indegenous Trichoderma isolates against Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson)Fitz. causing rhizome rot in Turmeric(Curcuma longa L.). Journal of science, 4(1), 99-105.
43Anoop, K., Suseela Bhai, R. and Shiva, K.N (2014). A Survey On The Incidence Of Rhizome Rot Disease In Major Turmeric Growing Tracts Of South India And Isolation Of Associated Organisms. Indian Journal of Advances in Plant Research (IJAPR), 1(1), 2347-8918.
44Kumar A.. Prameela T.P. Bhai R. S. Siljo A. Anandaraj M and Vinatzer2 B. A. (2014). Host specificity and genetic diversity of race 4 strains of Ralstonia solanacearum. Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12189.
45Sinoj J, Sheeja TE, Bhai RS , Suraby E J Minoo D Soji J Jayakumar VN Anandaraj M Bansal KC and Nirmal Babu K (2014). Somatic embryogenesis and transgenics development in black pepper for delayed infection and decreased spread of foot rot caused by Phytphthora capsici. journal of Plantation crops, 80-88.
46Suseela Bhai R and Anandaraj M (2014). Enhancing shelf life of T. harzianum by conidial storage in sterile deionized water. J. of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 23(1), 243-249.
47Vandana V.V.a, Suseela Bhai R.a, , Shamina Azeez (2014). Biochemical defense responses of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) lines to Phytophthora capsici. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 88, 18-27.
48Anoop K and Suseela Bhai R (2013). Host range study of turmeric rhizome rot pathogen Pythium aphanidermatumon selected Zingiberaceae memebrs . International Journal of Research in Pure and applied Microbiology. International Journal of Research in Pure and Applied Microbiology, 3(1), 113-115. 10.1007/s12038-013-9312-0
49Kumar A, Prameela T P and Suseela Bhai R (2013). A unique DNA repair and recombination gene(recN) sequences for identification and intraspecific molecular typing ofbacterial wilt pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum and its comparative analysis with ribosomal DNA sequences. J. Biosci., 38(1), 267-278.
50Suseela Bhai R., Sasikumar B and A. Kumar (2013). Evaluation of ginger germplasm for resistance to soft rot caused Pythium myriotylum. Indian Phytopathology, 66(1), 93.
51Suseela Bhai R., Sasikumar B and A. Kumar (2013). Evaluation of ginger germplasm for resistance to soft rot caused Pythium myriotylum. Indian Phytopathology, 66(1), 93-95.
52Jayashree. E, John Zachariah T Evangelin, F.P.P, and Suseela Bhai. R (2012). Qualitative changes during storage of different ginger based spice sauces. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 7(1), 174-179.
53Kumar A, Prameela T P and Suseela Bhai R, Siljo A, Biju C N, Anandara M and Vinalzer (2012). Small cardamom(Elettaria cardamomum Maton)and ginger Zingiber officinaleRalstonia solanacearum: a result revealed by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). Eu J Plant Pathol , 132(1), 477-482.
54Sangeeth K, Suseela Bhai R . and Srinivasan V (2012). Paenibacillus glucanilyticus, a promising potassium solubilizing bacterium isolated from black pepper(Piper nigrum L.) rhizosphere. J. of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 21(1), 118-124.
55Sindhu S, Chempakam B, Leela N.K and Suseela Bhai, R (2011). Chemoprevention by essential oil of turmeric leaves (Curcuma longa L.) on the growth of Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin production. Food and Chemical toxicology, 49(1), 1188-1192.
56Anil Kumar R., Velayudhan K. T., Ramachandran V., Suseela Bhai R., Unnikrishnan G., Vasu K (2010). Adsorption and Removal Kinetics of Phosphonate from Water Using Natural Adsorbents. Water Environment Research, 82(1), 62-68.
57Bhai R S and Joseph Thomas (2010). Compatibility of Trichoderma harzianum ( Rifai.) with fungicides, insecticides and fertilizers. Indian Phytopathology, 63(1), 145-148.
58Bhai R S, Eapen S J, Anandaraj M, and Saji K V (2010). Identification of Phytophthora and nematode resistant source from open pollinated progenies of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) using a modified protocol . Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(1), 893-897.
59Bhai R S, Sithara Raj and Kumar A (2010). Influence of soil pH and moisture on the biocontrol potential of Phytophthora capsici? black pepper system. Journal of Biological Control, 24(1), 153-157.
60Anil Kumar, R. , Vasu K., , Velayudhan K.T., ,. Ramachandran V, , Suseela Bhai R., and Unnikrishnan G (2009). Translocation and distribution of 32P labelled potassium phosphonate in black pepper (Piper nigrum. L). Crop Protection, 28(1), 878-881.
61Bhai R S and Sarma Y R (2009). Effect of organic amendments on the proliferation stability of Trichoderma and suppression of . in cardamom soils in relation to soil microflora. J. Biol. Control, 23(1), 163-167.
62Bhai R S, Anandaraj M and Srinivasan V (2009). Validation of farmer?s practice of using Sodium chloride for containing foot rot disease of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(1), 57-61.
63Bhai R S, Remya B, Jithya Danesh and S J Eapen (2009). In vitro and in planta assays for biological control of Fusarium root rot disease of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews). J. Biol. Control, 23(1), 83-86.
64A Kumar, S T Reeja, R Suseela Bhai, K N Shiva (2008). Distribution of Pythium myriotylum Drechsler causing soft rot of ginger. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 17(1), 10-May.
65Anandaraj M, Sheji Chandran, Renu Susan George, Ishwara Bhat A and Bhai R S (2008). Development of SCAR marker for Phytophthora resistance in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 17(1), 215-222.
66Bhai R S and Jythya Dhanesh (2008). Occurrence of fungal diseases on vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in Kerala. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 17(1), 140-148.
67Bhai R S and Sarma Y R (2008). Spatial distribution pattern of Phytophthora inoculum in cardamom soils. Indian Phytopathology, 61(1).
68Bhai R S, Kumar A (2008). Effect of rhizobacteria on Phytophthora meadii, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vanillae and Colletotrichum vanillae infecting vanilla. Journal of Biocontrol, 21(1), 33-41.
69Kumar A, Reeja Susan Thomas, Jooju B, Bhai R S and Shiva KN (2008). Distribution of Pythium myriotylum Drechsler causing soft rot of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 17(1), 59.
70Sangeeth K P, Bhai R S & Srinivasan V (2008). Evaluation of indigenous Azospirillum isolates for growth promotion in black pep- per (Piper nigrum L) rooted cuttings. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 17(1), 128-133.
71Bhai R S Anandaraj M, Sarma Y R, Veena S S and Saji K V (2007). Screening of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) germplasm for resistance to foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 16(1), 115-117.
72Anil Kumar R, Velayudhan K T , Vasu K , Ramachandran V, Bhai R S and Unnikrishnan (2006). Interaction of potassium Phosphonate in laterite soil. Journal of Environ. Science & Engg, 47(1), 276-285.
73Bhai R S and Anandaraj M (2006). Brown rot- A new Disease of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 15(1), 139-140.
74Bhai R S. Bhat A I and Anandaraj M (2006). Yellowing and Premature bean Dropping in Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews). Journal of Plantation crops, 34(1), 115-117.
75Madan M S, Ramana KV, Manoj K A, Anandaraj M, Bhai R S and Meera I S (2006). Economic variability of large scale production of the biocontrol agent T. harzianum Rifai. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 15(1), 48-51.
76Bhai R S and Sarma Y R (2005). Characterization of Phytophthora de Bary inciting Capsule Rot / Azhukal and leaf blight disease of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation crops, 33(1), 193-203.
77Bhai R S, Kishore VK, Kumar A Anandaraj M and Santhosh J Eapen (2005). Screening of Rhizobacterial Isolates against soft rot disease of ginger. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 14(1), 130-136.
78Bhat A I, S Devasahayam, M N Venugopal and Bhai R S (2005). Distribution and incidence of viral disease of black pepper (P. nigrum L) in Karnataka and Kerala, India. Journal of Plantation crops, 33(1), 59-64.
79Madhubala R, Bhadramurthy V., Bhat A I., Hareesh P S., Retheesh S T and Bhai R S (2005). Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus on Vanilla ( Andrews.). J Biosci., 30(1), 339-350.
80Bhat A I, Venugopal M N, Pant R P and Bhai R S (2004). Occurrence and distribution of viral diseases on vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrew) in India. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 13(1), 143-148.
81Bhai R S and Sarma Y R (2003). Pigmentation and growth- temperature response of Phytophthora meadii and P. nicotianae var. nicotianae infecting cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 12(1), 158-161.
82Bhat A I, Sarma Y R, Anandaraj M and. Bhai R S (2003). Viral diseases can be a future threat to vanilla in India. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 5(1), 107-110.
83Bhai R S Thomas J, Potty S N, Geetha and Solomon J J (2002). Mosaic disease of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia, Andrews)-the first report from India. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 12(1), 80-82.
84Thomas J, Vijayan A K and Bhai R S (2002). Vanilla diseases in India and their management. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 4(1), 143-149.
85Bhai R S and Thomas J (2000). Phytophthora rot a new disease of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in India. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 9(1), 73-75.
86Sarma Y R, Anandaraj M, Venugopal M N, Bhai R S Rajan P P, Ramana K V and Santhosh J Eapen (1999). Ecofriendly disease management strategies in spice crops. Planters Chronicle, 25-28.
87Thomas J and Bhai R S (1999). Sclerotium rot - a new disease of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 9(1), 175-176.
88Bhai R S and Thomas J (1998). Trichoderma spp. An effective bioagents for the control of seedling rot disease in cardamom nurseries. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 7(1), 85-88.
89Bhai R S, and Thomas J. (1998). Evaluation of Trichoderma spp. for the control of seedling rot disease of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 7(1), 85-88.
90Thomas J and Bhai R S (1995). Fungal and Bacterial Disease of cardamom(Elettaria cardamomum Maton) and their management. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 4, 24-31.
91Bhai R S, Thomas J and Naidu R (1994). Evaluation of carrier media for field application of Trichoderma sp. in cardamom soils. J. Plantn. Crops, 22, 50-52.
92Bhai R S, Thomas J and Naidu R (1993). Biological control of Azhukal disease of cardamom caused by Phytophthora meadii Mc Rae. J. Plantn. Crops, 21, 134-139.
93Thomas J, Bhai R S, Vijayan A K and Naidu R (1993). Evaluation of antagonists and their efficacy in managing rot disease of small cardamom. J. Biocontrol. J. Biocontrol, 7, 29-36.
94Bhai R S, Thomas J and Naidu R (1990). Evaluation of promising selections of small cardamom against Azhukal disease. J. Plantn. Crops, 20, 90-91.
95Bhai R S, Thomas J and Naidu R (1989). A comparative study on various types of inoculum in screening for resistance against Phytophthora meadii in Elettaria cardamom Maton. J. Plantn. Crops.
96Peethambaran C K, Bhai R S and Thomas J (1989). tandardization of screening techniques against Azhukal disease of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamom Maton.). J. Plantn. Crops, 18, 252-256.
97Thomas J, Bhai R S and Naidu R (1989). Comparative efficacy of fungicides against Phytophthora rots of small cardamom. Pesticides, 40-42.
98Bhai R S, Thomas J and Naidu R (1988). Anthracnose, a new disease of small Cardamom. Current Science, 57, 1346-1347.
99Thomas J, Bhai R S and Naidu R (1988). Capsule rot disease of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) and its control. J. Plantn. Crops, 18, 264-268.
100Suseela BhaiR, Anjali CR . Bioefficacy of strobilurin fungicides Ergon 44.3% (w/w) [Kresoxim methyl 500 g/L SC] and RIL-070/FI(72WP) against Phytophthora capsici infecting black pepper. J. of Spices and Aromatic Crops , 24(1), 73-82.
ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode Last Updated : 26.1.2019