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1 Path II.1 - Epidemiological studies on quick wilt disease [1978 - 1996]
Black Pepper
2 Path II.2 - Screening germplasm for reaction to quick wilt [1978 - 2006]
Black Pepper
3 Path II.3 - Disease management Phytophthora foot rot affected black pepper plantations [1983 - 2006]
Black Pepper
4 Path II.4 - Crop loss survey on quick wilt of pepper [1983 - 1986]
Black Pepper
5 Path XII - Investigations on stunted disease of black pepper [1992 - 1996]
Black Pepper
6 Path XIII - Investigations on spike shedding in black pepper at higher altitudes [2002 - 2004]
Black Pepper
7 Path III - Rhizome rot of ginger & turmeric [1972 - 1995]
Ginger and Turmeric
8 Gen X - Breeding of cardamom for high yield and katte resistance [1975 - 2007]
9 Gen VIII - Breeding for high yield and resistance to Phytophthora [1977 - 2007]
Black Pepper
10 Nema II - Role of nematodes in the incidence of slow decline (slow wilt disease) of black pepper and screening pepper germplasm against nematodes [1979 - 1991]
Black Pepper
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ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode Last Updated : 26.1.2019