LOCUS EY193978 534 bp mRNA linear EST 08-NOV-2007 DEFINITION RSAA-aab01b02.g1 R.similis_EST_RSAA Radopholus similis cDNA 5' similar to ref|NP_509072.1| LAMP/CD68 related LMP-1 (25.8 kD) (lmp-1) [Caenorhabditis elegans] sp|Q11117|LMP1_CAEEL LAMP family protein lmp-1 precursor pir|T15389 hypothetical protein C03B1.12 - Caenorhabditis elegans gb|AAA81746.1| Lamp/cd68 related protei, mRNA sequence. ACCESSION EY193978 VERSION EY193978.1 GI:159498312 KEYWORDS EST. SOURCE Radopholus similis ORGANISM Radopholus similis Eukaryota; Metazoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Tylenchida; Tylenchina; Tylenchoidea; Pratylenchidae; Radopholinae; Radopholus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 534) AUTHORS Mitreva,M., Fulton,L., Becker,M., Ronko,I., Theising,B., Martin,J., Scott,A.L., McCarter,J.P. and Wilson,R. TITLE WashU Nematode EST Project JOURNAL Unpublished COMMENT Contact: Dr. Makedonka Mitreva WashU Nematode EST Project Washington University School of Medicine 4444 Forest Park Parkway, Box 8501, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA Tel: 314 286 1800 Fax: 314 286 1810 Email: Library material provided by Dr. Godelieve Gheysen Library constructed by Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology,Ghent University Library sequenced by Washington University Genome Sequencing Center This trace has been recalled with phred original value before phred recall for SL was 151 original value before phred recall for SR was 837 Seq primer: -21UPpOT. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..534 /organism="Radopholus similis" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:46012" /clone_lib="LIBEST_022111 R.similis_EST_RSAA" /dev_stage="mixed" /lab_host="DH5alpha" /note="Vector: pDNR-LIB; Site_1: SfiI; Site_2: SfiI" ORIGIN 1 ggccgggcat gatgttcaac aaaaccggaa atggcacttc ggatcgctat tcgcttgtaa 61 actattcgct cgacgtcaaa ttcacgccgg aacagaattc gactgtgcca agcttcgtct 121 acgcgaagcc agcggacgcg aagccggaat ggtctgcggc ggtgcactct gctgcgggat 181 cggcacctaa cggcttctcc tgttccaaga atgtgttgca actcgcgaat gactcgtcga 241 tgattttcga gaatttgaag atcattgcgt ttggacacct ggacaagcaa gaatttcctg 301 cgtcgcaaga gttcgaattg tgtgagctgg atgttcgcac ttccgacctg attccgattg 361 ttgtcggcgc ttgtctggcc ggattggtga ttgtggtgct gatcgcgtat ctgatcggac 421 gcgcccgagc aaagagacaa ggctacacct cggtctgaag ttgatgtgga tgataaacct 481 ggactagcaa aatcagaatc accgattact tttgagatat ccacacacga tcaa //